James Fuller of Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
Last Will written, 21 May 1618
Suffolk Archives, Bury St. Edmonds, England, UK
Catalogue reference: SRO IC500/1/78/15
Probate, 24 May 1622, Bury St. Edmonds, Suffolk, England, UK

(Born about 1542 – Died 14 May, 1622)

Transcribed December 2012 by the Suffolk Record Office,
Bury St. Edmunds, England, UK


In the Name of god Amen the one & Twenty daye of maye in the yeare of our lord God one thousand sixe hundred & eyghten  I James Fuller of Lavenham in the counteye of Suff[olk] yeoman, althoughe weeke in bodie yet of good & p[er]fett remembrance thanck be to god, doe ordayne & make this my last will & testament revokinge & disanullinge all former wills by me had & made before the daye of the date hereof in Mannor & forme following,

Fyrst and principallye I commend & bequeathe my sowle into the hand of Allmyghtie god the maker thierof hopinge and steedfastlie trustinge thoroughe the merrytt of Jesus Christ my onlye saviour & redeemer to have A Joyefull resurrection, my bodie to be buried by the discretion of myne Executor hereafter named,

Itm I give and bequeath to my Sonne John Fuller Twentye shilling of good & lawfull monye of England to be payde to my sayde Sonne John by my Executor w[it]hin one yeare after my decease.

Itm I give and bequeathe to Marie smythe my daughter the now wief of one Rob[er]t Smythe ten shilling of like laufull monye to be payde to my sayde daughter marie by my Executor w[it]hin one yeare after my decease.

Itm I give & bequeathe to John Mascall my grandchild my now mesuage or mansion house whierin I now doe inhabytt & dwell scytuat & being in barbors [now-Lady] street in the borrow of Lavenham afores[ai]de w[it]h all the houses edefices yard gardyns & backsid to the same belonginge & now in the tenure use & occupacion of me the sayde James Fuller or of any my assignes. To have & to hould the s[ai]de mesuage or mansion house w[it]h all & everye the sayde recyted prmysses unto the sayde John Mascall his heyres & assignes imedyatlie after my decease. Provided always and my full mynd will & intent is that my Executor, shall have full power & auctoritie after my decease to lett sett & improve the rent thierof to my s[ai]de grandchild use & best benefytt until my sayde grandchild shall fullye accomplishe & attaiyne to be three & twentye yeares of age.

Itm I give & bequeath to the sayde John Mascall my grandchild three skore & ten pownds of like lawfull monye of England to be payde to my sayde grandchild, by my Executor at his sayde accomplisshinge the full age of three & twentye yeares, and my mynd will & intent is that my Executor shall have the benyfytt & use w[hi]ch he can make of the s[ai]de three skore & ten pownd[s] until my sayde grandchild shall fully as afores[ai]de accomplishe to be of three & twentye yeares of age putting in good securitie by bond or otherwise for the payement & discharge thierof unto my sup[er]visor hereafter named to be payde to my s[ai]de grandchilde in mannor & forme afores[ai]de, and if it shall happen my sayde grandchild to dep[ar]te this world before the lymyted tyme for his receiving & having of the sayde some of three score & ten pownd, then my mynd will & intent is, that the sayde some of three skore & ten pownd shall be equally p[ar]ted & devided by my Executor emongest the brothers & systers of my s[ai]de grandchild w[hi]ch shall be lyving after his decease, and to them to be payde at the s[ai]d lymyted tyme of three and twentye yeares.

Itm I give & bequeathe to my sayde grandchild my posted bedstead standing in my now bedchamber the Fether bedd and all other the furniture belonging to the same and the Tryndle bedsteed & flocke bedd upon the same & all other the furniture belonging to the same, and all the hangins in the s[ai]de chamber & the lyttle table & hutche in the s[ai]d chamber.

Itm I give & bequeathe to my s[ai]de grandchild my table in my hall house & my Cubberd their standing & my great chest their w[it]h all that therin is & my twoe chayres in the s[ai]de house & the fower of my joyned stooles & fower of my Cusshines, twoe platters & twoe sawsers my twoe latten candlestick[s] & one pewter salte & my mortar my brass pott & my brasse posnett & my Warmyng pan my twoe tram[m]el[s] in the chymnye my twoe Cobberns their the fyre pann & towe of myne their & the grediorn of myne hier.

Item I give & bequeathe to John Fuller of coulchester my grandchild all my right & title estate & interest of & in my house at Shroppam [Shropham] in the counteye of norff[olk] & of in all my land and houses & apptenances [appurtenances] to the same belonging paying out of the same to his brother John twentye pownds of lawfull monye of England w[it]hin one month after my decease and to his Syster Suzan ten pownd of lik laufull monye w[it]hin one monthe after my decease, all the rest of my good[s] & moveables & not before in this my will given & bequeathed my debt[s] payed my funeral expences discharged & my sayde legasies trewlie p[er]formed I give and bequeathe unto the sayde John Fuller my grandchild whome I doe ordayne & make sole Executor to this my last will & testament hoping & nothing doubting but he will carefully & [j]ustlie p[er]forme the content thierof.    And I doe ordayne & make Samewell Colman my trustyed & welbeloved Frind Mr Samewell Colman of Brent Elie [Eleigh] in the counteye of Suff  afores[ai]de sup[er]visor to this my sayde last will & testament, and for his loving paynes herin to be taken I doe give & bequeath unto him ten shilling[s] in gowld to be given & payde unto him by my Executor to buy him a ringe w[it]h all for a remembrance of my god will. Wyttnes to this will and that this is my last will & testament sealed w[i]th my seale and subscribed unto w[hic]h hand in the day of the publishing hereof in the p[re]sents of those whose names are hereunder subscribed

Edmond Onge
The mark of Symond westhorpe                                the mark of James Fuller
Robart Bacon



This Will was proved at Bury St. Edmunds in the presence of Johannes Jewell, Master of Arts. He is the surrogate for the worshipful. Sir Thomas Eddin, doctor of law, is and through all Archdeaconry of Sudbury and the town of Bury St. Edmunds. On the 24 day of May 1622.   The document was authorized to administer the goods, etc. The executor named in said will is sworn by oath, to do a proper account of the goods