Thomas Fuller of Needham, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, USA
Last Will written, 16 June 1790
Suffolk County Probate Court
Reference: Case Number 20128
Probate, 20 March, 1793, Boston, Suffolk,
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, USA
(Born 25 Sept 1738 – Died 24 Oct 1792)
(Thomas4, Thomas3, Jeremiah2, John1of Newton)
Transcribed March, 2017, by Wayne L Fuller
In the Name of God Amen, On the Sixteenth Day of June In the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and nintey I Thomas Fuller of Needham in the County of Suffolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Gentleman, Being by the Infirmities attending my Body, and the Maney Examples of Mortality Sett Daily before me putting me in mind of my Latter end and to prepare therefore And being through the memory of God at this time whole and Sound in my understanding Do for the setting of the things of this Life make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament as Follows that is to say First and princapally I Commend my Soul into the Hands of the Lord Jesus Christ my only Hope and Redeemed and my Body to the Dust from whence it was taken to be Decently Buried after my Decease at and according to the Discretion of Executrix herein afternamed.
Imprimis, I will and order that all my Just Debts and Funeral Charges or Expences, be well and Truly paid by my Executrix
Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Hannah Fuller the full Improvement of my Real and personal Estate so long as she remains my widow except what may be particulary to the Contrary hereafter.
Item I Give and bequeath unto my Dutiful Daughter Hannah Bond wife of Aaron Bond and to her Heirs and assigns forever my pasture lying near the farm belonging to the Heirs of Thomas Hall Deceased Containing Twenty Six acres upon condition that said Hannah does not by any way or means have any other part of my real or personal Estate more than is given to her in this my last Will and Testament. Except it be by the free Consent of him or her respectively to whom my Real and Personal Estate so long as she remains my widow Except what may be particulary expressed to the contrary here after.
Also I give unto my said Daughter Hannah Bond and to her Heirs my Household Furniture except what is herein given to others her or her Heirs to receive the same after the Decease of my aforesaid Beloved Wife.
Item I give and bequeath, unto my Grandson Viz: &. Nathan Fuller and Jeremiah Fuller and to their Heirs and assigns forever each of said Grandsons a Feather Bed and a set of Furniture to each Bed belonging also to said Nathan my great Brass Kettle, and also Twenty four pounds and to the said Jeremiah Thirty five pounds to be paid and delivered to them each one their part, given as aforesaid when he arrives at a free age of Twenty one years. Also I give unto said Nathan and Jeremiah my Silver Shoe & Knee Buckles and my Silver Sleeve Buttons to be divided equally between them and to be them delivered at my Decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto my aforesaid Grandson Viz:, & Nathan and Jeremiah Fuller and their Heirs and assigns forever all the residue and remaining of my Real and Personal Estate not heretofore given away in this my Last Will and Testament wherever the same may be found to be equally divided between them according to quantity and quality >when said Nathan arrives at the age of twenty one years < reserving the full improvement thereof as aforesaid to my beloved wife during the Term of her remaining my Widow. And if either said Grandsons decease not Leaving any Heirs descending from him than what is herein given him is to be equally divided said Hannah Bond or her Heirs and the surviving Grandson or his Heirs and if both said Grandsons decease Leaving no Heir or Heirs as aforesaid than what is herein given to them is to be the Estate of Hannah Bond and her Heirs and assigns forever. [>..< inserted words]
And I hereby appoint my beloved wife Hannah Fuller to be my Sole Executrix of this my Last will and Testament to whom I give all Interest and Power necessary >for the full accomplishing thereof in all respects hereby< revoking and making null and Void all other wills heretofore made by me.
In witness whereof I the said Thomas Fuller have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the Day and year first above written.
Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said Thomas Fuller as and for his Last Will and Testament
In Presence of us Thomas Fuller [signed] and Seal
Nathaniel Ware Jr.
James Kingsbury
Robert Fuller
Probate: Boston, 20 March 1793
Suffolk ss Commonwealth of Massachusetts
At a Probate Court holden at Boston within and for the County of Suffolk on the 20th Day of March 1793 By the Honorable George Rds Minot Judge of Probate
The annexed Will being presented by Hannah Fuller The Executrix therein named for Probate Nathaniel Ware Jun’r and Robert Fuller Appeared and make oath, that they saw the said Fuller sign Seal and heard him Publish the same Instrument as his Last will & Testament, and that he was then to the best of their Decernment [Discernment], of a sound dispossing [disposing] mind and memory and that they together with James Kingsbury now absent subscribed their names thereto as Witnesses in his presence
[signed] George Rds Minot Jud. Pro.
Suffolk County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1636-1899;, online database, 2015. Author: Massachusetts Probate Court – Suffolk County: Probate Place: Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA.