Edward Fuller of Newton, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, USA
Last Will written, 5 June 1809 

Middlesex County Probate Court
Reference: Case Number 8732
Probate, 14, May 1811, Cambridge, Middlesex,
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, USA

(Born 31 Dec 1735   –    Died 12 Dec 1810)
(Edward4, Jonathan3, Joseph2, John1of Newton)

Transcribed May, 2017, by
Diana Spelman, Norwich, Norfolk, UK


In the Name of God Amen. In the Name of God, Amen. I, Edword Fuller of Newton in the County of Middlesex & Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Being of Body, but of sound mind & Memory: do this Fifth day of June in the Year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred & Nine, make & Publish this my last will & Testament in Manner & form following.  Vi[delice]t I give & Devise unto my beloved wife Abigail Fuller, in lieu of her Dower out of my estate, all my House hold Furniture that the[sic] she Braught to my House at the time of our Marriage & one Cow: I also give my said wife, during the time she may remain my widow, & no longer, the Improvement of the Westerly half of my dwelling House, & Cellar, three Cords[sic] of wood, one of which is to be pine the other two to be oak, Braught to s[ai]d House & cut & Reduced to proper lengths & size to be convenient for her fire,  I also giver[sic] the said Abigail Ten dollars to be paid her annually, and [deleted: also] the Keeping of her Cow [deleted: annually] during her Widowhood                                                                                                                                                                                                                 said                                               [2] said Abigail to have the Previlidge to sit in my Pew in the meeting House.

I Give & Devise unto each of my five Sons, Vi[delice]t Oliver, Jonathan, Edward, Simon, Charles, two Hundred & Sixty-six dollars, to be paid them [deleted: to be paid  them] by my Executor, in one Year after my Decease.

I direct that my wearing apparel be equally divided Between all my sons, Vi[delice]t Oliver, Jonathan, Ezra, Edward, Simon & Charles.  I give & Devise to each of my three Daughters, Vid[elicet] Ruth Trowbridge, wife of Capt[ain] Edmund Trow-bridge, Dorcas Durant, wife of Jackson Durant, & Jerusha Coolidge, wife of Daniel Coolidge, one Hundred & thirty-three Dollars, & my will is that all my House-hold furniture, that I have not bequeathed to my aforesaid wife, shall be equally divided Between my said Daughters.

The aforesaid one Hundred & thirty three dollars to be paid to each of my said three Daughters shall be paid to each of them by my Executor in two Years after my decease.

All the Residue of my estate, Both Real                                                                                                        [3]  Personal or Mixed, I give & devise to to [sic] my son Ezra. & to his Heirs & assigns forever, he Paying all my Just debts & funeral Charges, & also all the Legacies I have ordered in this Testament.

Finally, I do hereby, appoint my said son Ezra to be sole Executor of this my last will & Testament.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seal the day & year aforesaid.

Signed, Sealed, Published &  )
Pronounced, by the said         )    [signed] Edward Fuller
Edword Fuller, to be his        )
last will & Testament in        )
in the Presence of us: [signed]
Timo[thy] Jackson
Joshua Jackson
John Robinson



Probate:  Cambridge, 14 May, 1811

Middlesex ss.  At a Court of Probate, holden at Cambridge, in and for said county, on the fourteenth day of May in the year of our LORD one thousand eight hundred and Eleven.

THE foregoing instrument, purporting to be the last will and testament of Edward Fuller late of Newton in said county of  Middlesex, gentleman deceased, having been duly presented for probate to the Judge of said court by Ezra Fuller of said Newton gentleman, the executor therein named, and the heirs at law and legatees of the said deceased, and others interested in his estate, having been cited and duly notified of the time and place assigned for taking the same into consideration; Timothy Jackson & Joshua Jackson two credible witnesses thereto, now appear before the Judge of said court, and make oath, that they saw the said Testator sign, seal, and heard him pronounce, publish, and declare the said instrument to be his last will and testament, and that they, with John Robinson another credible witness, then also present, who is now absent at the same time attested the same, and subscribed their names together, as witnesses, in the presence of the said testator and at his request, and that he was then, according to the best of their discernment, of sane mind and sound and disposing memory.  Whereupon, no objections being offered, and the evidence touching the premises maturely considered, and all needful inquiries made, it appears to the Judge of said court, that the said instrument is fully proved, and ought to be allowed at the last will and testament of said deceased.  It is therefore DECREED by the said Judge, that the same be approved, allowed, established and recorded, and have full force and effect, as such, accordingly, and that the execution thereof be committed and the administration of the estate of said deceased granted to the executor above named in manner and form by law in such case made and provided.

[signed]      James Prescott J.Prob.

Countersigned [signed]  James Winthrop   Reg.



An Inventory of the estate of Edward Fuller late of Newton, Gent[leman], Deceased  vi[delice]t

Wearing apparel
Blew Coat 4,  Great Coat 4,. $8.00
one d[itt]o 1, Brown Coat 1,50 2.50
Blew Paneloons 1, two pair d[itt]o ,50. 1.50
4 Waistcoats ,75.one Black d[itt]o ,50 1.25
2 p[ai]r of Drawers ,50. three shirts 1,20. 1.70
Green Gown ,50.  Callico d[itt]o ,75. 1.25
1 p[ai]r of Hose 1, one d[itt]o ,75. 1.75
2 p[ai]r socks ,50.  on[e] d[itt]o ,50. 1.00
Mitts & Gloves ,30.  one Hat 1, 1.30
two pair of shoes 2, 2.00
Books 1,20. one Bed, Cord & Bedstead 15,. 16.20
one d[itt]o &c 13,. Bed Quilt 1, 14.00
one Coverlett 1,25. one d[itt]o 1,50. 2.75
2 old d[itt]o ,75. one Blanket 2,. 2.75
two d[itt]o 4, four sheets 8, 12.00
4 Pillow Cases 1, Looking Glass 1,50 2.50
1 Chest 1,50. four Towels ,50. 2.00
5 Table Cloths 1,67.Curtains & Rods 2, 3.67
Chest of Draws ,75.  Six Chairs 1,50. 2.25
3 Arm Chairs 1,50.  Small stove ,75 2.25
Fish line & Ropes ,75.  Lumber in Garret 1, 1.75
Round Table 1,50.  Tea d[itt]o 1,50. 3.00
Carried over $87.37
(2)  Sum Brau[gh]t Forward $87.37
Looking Glass ,50. six Chairs 1,25. 1.75
Andirons, shovel, Tongs, Crane & Hooks. 3.00
2 Chests 1,50. Table ,40. 1.90
Brass Kettle 5,. Iron pot ,50. 5.50
Dish Kettle ,75. Brass Skillet ,50. 1.25
Spider ,30. Pewter 7,. Coffee Mill ,50. 7.80
3 Sugar Boxes ,40. two pales ,25. 0.65
Sundries in Kitchen ,50. Pork tub 1,50. 2.00
Milk Pans ,30. two Cheese presses ,75. 1.05
Gun & Bayonet 4,50. lead Weights ,50. 5.00
plank & Boards 2,.  Loom &c 2, 4.00
Iron Hoops 1, 1.00
one Note, Signed by Simon Fuller 11.98
one Horse 60,. two Oxen 70, 130.00
4 Cows 92,. Cart Wheels 4, 96.00
Harrow teeth 1, three Hay forks ,60. 1.60
2 Hay hooks ,40. Basket ,25. .65
Chains 1,50. Narrow ax ,50 2.00
Iron Bar 2,. Saddle & Bridle 1,. 3.00
old Iron 2,. 2.00
Two Table Cloths 3,. 3.00
Bed & Beding in East chamber. 22.00
14 Sheets 28,. Chest of draws 2,50. 30.50
Square Table 1,50. Chest ,75. 2.25
6 Chairs 3,. Chest ,50. 3.50
Side Saddle &c 1,  Warming Pan ,75. 1.75
Carried Forward $432.50
(3)  Sum Brau[gh]t Forward 432.50
2 pine Tables ,50. Lookinglass ,50 1.00
Clock 18,. Wheel 1,. Coper Kettle 12, 31.00
Tea Kettle ,50. spider & pot lead ,75. 1.25
Brass Skillet 1,50. Pewter 2,25. 3.75
2 Flatirons ,50. Crockery ware 3,. 3.50
6 Tea Spoons 1, six Junk Bottles ,50. 1.50
Earthen Ware &c 1,  Knives & forks ,50. 1.50
1 Coverlett 2,. Scales & Weights ,75. 2.75
Candlestick &c ,50 .50
Total Personal Estate $478.75

Real Estate

Home Lott Containing about fifty six acres with a House & Barn thereon. $2016.00
5 acres of Woodland. 360.00
Pine Lot (so Called) Valued at 250.00
one Pew in the West Parrish in Newton 50.00
Total of Real Estate $2,676.00

10 June 1811
T Jackson         )
J Jackson         )   Apprisers
Henry Craft      )


Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Middlesex ss.  At a Court of Probate, holden at Framingham in and for said County, the eighteenth day of June A.D. 1811.

The foregoing having been duly returned, and this day exhibited, on oath by Ezra Fuller the executor of the last will &c of said deceased, as a true and perfect inventory of all the estate of said deceased, that has hitherto come to his hands, possession, or knowledge; and the said executor having made oath, that if any further estate of said deceased shall hereafter come to his possession or knowledge, he will render a just and true account thereof into the Probate Office, to be of record herewith; it is therefore decreed by the Judge of said court now here, that the same be, and it is hereby accordingly accepted, and ordered to be recorded.

                                                  [signed]        James Prescott J. Prob




Middlesex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1648-1871. New England Historic Genealogical Society, online database, 2014.  From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives, Boston, MA, USA.