Walter Cole – Father of John’s wife, Elizabeth Cole
Walter Cole of Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
Last Will, 13 August 1652
National Archives, Kew, Surry, England, UK
Catalogue reference: PROB 11/232/224
Probate, 24 September, 1653, Westminster, England, UK
(Born about 1572 – Died 3 September, 1652)
Transcribed June, 2013, by
Diana Spelman, Norwich, Norfolk, UK
[Note: the significance of this Will, written in 1652, is the statement part way down page 2:
“And also twenty shillings more unto my daughter Elizabeth, the nowe wife of John Fuller, in New England.”
……………W. L. Fuller]
In the name of God Amen, this
thirtenth day of August in the yeare of our lord God one thowsand Sixe
hundreth and Fiftie two, I Walter Cole of Lavenham in the Countye of
Suffolke, Barber Chirurgion, though sicke in body, yet well and p[er]fecte in
memory (thankes be given to Almighty God) revoking all former wills, and
testaments by me made heretofore, doe now make and ordeyne this last will
and testament in manner and forme following: First and before all things
I bequeath and com[m]itt my soule into the hands of Allmighty God my blessed
Creator, beleiveing to be saved by the alone merritts and mediation of Jesus
Christ my blessed redeemer: And my bodie I Com[m]itt to the earth from
whence it was taken, to be decently interred at the discretion of mine Executrix
hereafter to be named: And for my worldy Goods, which it hath pleased god
to bestowe upon me, I give and bequeath in manner and forme followinge,
Item my will is, that Susan my well beloved wife, shall have, hold, ocupie
and enioy my messuage or tenement wherein I now dwell, and all and ev[er]y
p[ar]te and p[ar]cell thereof, with all and ev[er]y the edifices, orchyards, & backsides,
and any other the appertamentes thereunto belonging (which are now in my
occupation or in the use and occupation of my assignes) scituated and being
in the high streete in the Borough of Lavenham aforesaid for and during the
time and terme of her naturall life, And after the decease of the said Susan
my aforesaid wife, The aforesaid mesuage or Tenement with all and ev[er]y
the app[er]temences as aforesaid to remaine unto Anne my daughter now wife
of Abraham Nellson, for and during the time and terme of the naturall life
of Abraham Nellson aforesaid of Colchester my sonne in lawe, and during the
time and terme of the naturall life of my daughter Anne wife to the aforesaid
Abraham Nellson, And after the decease of the said Abraham Nellson, and
Anne his wife, aforesaid, I give and bequeath the aforesaid messuage or
Tenement with all the appurtenances unto Abraham Nellson the sonne of
the aforesaid Abraham and Anne, To have and to hould to him the said
Abraham Nellson my nephewe and to his heires for ever, yet upon Condct[i]on
notwithstanding that the said Anne my daughter or her heires, Executo[u]rs,
Administrators shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto my daughter
Jane, the now wife of Thomas Day of Colchester in Essex aforesaid, or her
heires, the full sum[m]e of fifteene pounds of lawfull money of England, within
one whole yeare after the deceasse of Susan my aforesaid wife, And also twenty
shillings more unto my daughter Elizabeth, the nowe wife of John Fuller, in
New England. To be paid within three yeares after the deceasse of Susan my
wellbeloved wife aforesaid; It[e]m I give unto my daughter Susan the now
wife of William Death of Lavenham aforesaid five shillings, to be paid to her
within one moneth after the deceasse of Susan my aforesaid wife; All the
residue of my goods and Chattells whatsoever my debts being paid, and my
funerall expenses being discharged, I give unto Susan my aforesaid wife
whome I ordaine and make the sole Executrix of this my last will and
Testament. In witnesse whereof I have sett to my hand and seale the daye
and yeare First above written, The marke of Walter Cole; Read, sealed,
and subscribed in the p[re]sence of us , The marke of Thomas Wood, Thomas
Jarvis script’ (writer)
This will was proved at Westminster before the Judges for probate of wills
and granting Administrac[i]ons according to an Acte of Parliament, intituled, An
Acte for probate of wills and granting Administrac[i]ons, the foure and twentith day
of September, in the yeare of our lord God one thowsand sixe hundred Fyftie
and three, by the oath of Susan Cole the relict of the said dec[eas]ed, and Executrix
named in the said will, To whome Administrac[i]on of all and sing[u]l[e]r the goodes
Chattelles and debtes of the said deceas’d was Committed, She being first sworne by
vertue of a Com[m]iss[i]on to that effecte, well and truly to administer the same.