John Fuller of Newton

Fuller Farm

Francis Jackson was the first of the history books to make reference to the “Fuller Farm” in his 1854 book. His description has been repeated in later historical works.

Jackson(1), “FULLER, John, one of the first settlers of Camb. Village. He was born in 1611, and settled in Cambridge Village about 1644. In Dec, 1658, he purchased of Joseph Cooke, of Camb., seven hundred and fifty acres of land, for £160, bounded n. and w. by Charles river, the winding part of the river w.; e. by land of Thomas Park, and s. by Samuel Shepard’s farm, being a straight line between. His house stood on the s. side of the road, and w. side of the brook, and within a few rods of both road and brook. By subsequent purchase, he increased his tract to upwards of one thousand acres. Cheese-cake brook ran through it. This tract was long known as the “Fuller farm.” He divided it among his five sons…”

(1) Francis Jackson, History of the Early Settlement of Newton, County of Middlesex, Massachusetts: From 1639 to 1800 – with a Genealogical of its Inhabitants prior to 1800, “of Boston, a Native of Newton”, Boston: Printed by Stacy and Richardson, 1854, page 278

Bond(2) “FULLER, ……….. The family and descendants of John Fuller, of Newton, are so very intimately associated with Watertown families, ………………….. That large tract of land called the Fuller Farm, and upon which most of the families of this name have resided, was situated in the bend of the Charles River, opposite to Waltham Plain. It included nearly all the land lately taken from Newton, and annexed to Waltham. It was, however more extensive, extending farther down, and farther back from the river. For a view of the topography of this farm, and a more copious account of this family, see Jackson’s excellent History and Map of Newton, to which we are much indebted.”

(2) Henry Bond M.D., (Family Memorials.) Genealogies of the Families and Descendants of the Early Settlers of Watertown Massachusetts, including Waltham and Weston to which is appended the Early History of the Town. with Illustrations, Maps, and Notes, VOL. II., Additions, Corrections, and Early History., Boston: Little, Brown & Company. New York: John Eiley, 351 Broadway., Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston., Cincinnati: H.W. Derby. 1855, page 766.

Sweetser(3) “The little stream which traverses the village rises near the ancient hilly domain of Deacon Staples, and winds away into the Charles, not far from Watertown. In the good old days of the Colony it received the name of Cheesecake Brook, because a party of hunters rested at noonday on its sylvan shore, and regaled themselves on cakes and cheese. Along this placid little stream stretched the famous old Fuller Farm, acquired in 1658 by John Fuller, maltster and selectman, in whose will appeared the curious provision that none of his land should be sold to strangers until it had first been offered to the nearest kinsmen. His estate included a thousand acres, and was bounded on the north and west by the Charles River. It is on record that twenty-two of his descendants in Newton entered the army of the army of the Revolution.”

(3) M. F. Sweetser, King’s Handbook of Newton Massachusetts, Boston Mass., Moses King Corporation, 1889, page 162.