John Fuller of Newton, MA, USA
Land Purchase from John Macoone – 1676
Transcribed by NEHGS, Boston – 2013
Compiled by W. L. Fuller
Book 6, p. 59 – 61
To all people to whom these presents shall come greeting. Know ye that I John Macoone of Cambr[idge] in the coun[ty] of midd[lesex] in New England. For and in consideration of sixty pounds sterl[ing] do now well and truly payd in current money of that plate, by John Fuller of the sawd town, yeom[man] the more is whereof I do by those presents acknowledge, and therewith to be fully satisfied & contented and thereof & of entire lot and parcel there of
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[p]59 John Macoone To John fuller For 6000 Ster: |
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John Fuller Sells
22 Acr. Of land & buildg in Cambridge 5 acr. Near the Falls Habendum
do fully, clearly, & absolutely, release, acquit, & discharge him the said John Fuller his Executors & administrators forever by these presents, Have given, granted, bargained, & sold, allowed. enforced & confirmed & by these present do fully & absolutely grant, bargain, & sell , alien, ensure, & confirmed unto him the said John Fuller one messuage or tenement, situated, lying & being in Cambr. above named, containing one dwelling house & barns, with about twenty two acres of land adjoyning there unto, and is bounded highway northerly, Jno Jacksons land & Thomas Danforth westerly & southwest also Jno Jackson land easterly with five acres land more near the falls on Charles river, to have & to hold the above granted & bargained premises be the same more or less with all the privileges & appurtenances to the same appending or in any wise belonging without the lot or denyall [denial] of use the said John Macoone my heyers or assigns to him the said John Fuller, his heyers and assignes for ever to his and their only proper use & behoof. And I the above named John Macoone for ever, my heyrers executors and admi[stratird] do confirm, promise & grant to and with the said Jno Fuller his heyers and assignes by these presents that I the said John Maccone have good right, full power, and lawfull authority to grant bargain, sell & convey the above granted premises to him the said John Fuller his heyers and assignes forever. And that he the said John Fuller or his heyrs & assigns shall & may at all times and from time to time forever here after peaceably & quietly have hold, occupie, possess
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injoy the above granted premises, without the lot denyall, or contradiction of use the said John Macoone, my heyers, executors, administrators and assignes, them or of any of them or of another person or persons clayming & having any lawfull right, title or interest therein by, from or under use or by, from, or under Richard Woods Dece[ase]d] who was the late owner thereof, & by my purchase of his relict widow Sarah Woods, & Thomas Woods her sonn they being impowered to make sale thereof by the coun[ty] Court held at Cambr. Aprill 7 1674 or by any other person or persons whatsoever (the lawfull clayment & use of the highway that passes thorow the above bargained premises only excepted) In witness hereof I the above named John Macoone, as also Mary my wife in acknowledgment of her free consent to this my act & Deed, have hereunto put or hands & seales this thirteenth day of Aprill. In the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred seaventy & six. |
how he came by it. highway excepted 13 April 1676 |
Sealed & d[ate]d In the presence offJob Hindes Thomas Wood his + mark Joshua Woods |
John Macoone & a seal Mary Macoone & a seal John Macoone & Mary his wife |
Entered 18.3.77 |
County Land Records Office, Middlesex South Registry of Deeds, 208 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02141, USA.
Transcribed from a copy of the original Deed.